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The International Galapagos Science Consortium

The International Galapagos Science Consortium is a collaborative, global network of institutions working together to study island ecosystems and their sustainability utilizing the unique resources of the Galapagos Science Center (GSC).

The Consortium serves as a platform for international research partnerships to advance science and conservation; an immersive, experiential recruitment opportunity for students; and an avenue for progressing global impact and service.

Blank world map with a circle graphic in the middle reading "IGSC" and the text "International Galapagos Science Consortium" printed at the bottom.
Closeup of a marine iguana on the beach.

The natural history of this archipelago is very remarkable: it seems to be a little world within itself.

— Charles Darwin

GSC By the Numbers

300+ Scientific research projects

300+ research publications

600+ Students engaged through study abroad, research, & experiential education programs

150+ Undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral theses developed

8,000+ Community participation in outreach programs


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